Chandrayaan 2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

Chandrayaan 2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

Moon lander was lost communication with the ISRO Space organisation 


1. Chandrayaan2 was lost contact with ISRO.

2. Lander was encountered problem with space organisation.

3. Vickram was uncontrolled in the moon orbit.

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

     When K.Sivan ISRO chairman said that Vickram was encountered a problem with moon orbit 1.5 billion people were encountered suffering and pain with the operations related to ISRO it took around 10 years to completed the mission. The prime minister who was present in the operation complex in Bangalore. He said that it was not a failure but it is stepping stone of success. K.Sivan was filled with tears but PM said that he has won the hearts of 1.3 billion peoples.

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

     In the morning of september 7, Chandrayaan2 was operated correctly but after an attempt the GSLV MARK3 ISRO's launch vechicle was fired successfully on july 22. The Chandrayaan2  with Vickram lander was successfully on its way to moon almost 3 lakhs kilometers away from earth. After 40 days ISRO was conducting Chandrayaan2 to be placed in lunar orbit. After the week of the September the lander Vickram was carrying Rover Pragyan in its launch craft for touching the moon's soft landing in lunar surface.

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

     It was historical movement for India because no countries was able to complete the mission in lunar surface with low bugdet and the NASA Rosaviakosmos was able to complete the mission in nearly high budget and in almost 12 attempt.

     After the landing of the space craft after 15 minutes, the space craft was able to touch the lunar surface and make history but the velocity of the space craft was uncontrolled on its on board computer. This is because the velocity and time lag was uncontrolled by ISRO in Bangalore. Vickram was travelling almost 6,000 kilometer per hours and height of 30 km. The velocity was turned into 0 and space craft was uncontrolled by the ISRO and above 2.1 km away from making history. The space craft was lost connection with the ISRO organisation.

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

     The soft landing was divided into 3 faces. The space craft would be equipped and with 5 engines that would perform specific functions. The first phase was called rough breaking space craft was encountered was ensuring steady acceleration and every thing was going smoothly but the scientist never taught that it would be a nightmare for them. The speed was going to 22 km per hour and altitude was 7 km.

     The problem was encountered between two phases namely absolute navigations phase and fines breaking phase. The altitude was nearly 400 km away from the surfaces and the communications stopped between the space administration and the lander lost contact with their agency. The scientist were almost dead and clear view of tradegy was seen on their faces. K.Sivan chief of the agency announced that the agency lost contact with the lander and hope was lost in 1.3 billion peoples watching live landing of the landers on the moon surfaces. Every body filled with tears.

Chandrayaan2 a Mission for India just a Beginning

     If the 2.1 km was able to completed by the ISRO, the history was able to be never done by any space agency because the budget for going to moon will be high and the space agencies like NASA are fearing to go to moon because the attempt for the reach is high and if it fails then the budget will be totally lost and the GDP will encounter a problem due to the agency,but India did the mission in a low budget and the GDP was unaffected due to the mission and it was almost completed it is also a big success
     The few days after the weeks, scientist was examining the cause for unsuccess but were unable to find the cause K.Sivan said that the mission was almost success and only a few changes to be made will make the mission successful and it is a big learning for other countries that in a few resources success will come and only focus was needed to made on the point. The other countries were focusing on useless thinks but India was focusing only on the mission on the cause. 

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