Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad

Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad

Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad

     The founder of Facebook is Mark Zuckerburg and he is one of the greatest visionaries. His vision was to empower growth among people and to support the similar thoughts. The greatest use of Facebook today is just to share random thooughts and useless things but the main vision to find Facebook was to unite people. Mark is not a topper students and was not even scoring enough marks to pass the exam. He was a college dropout and he decided to create a website in which people can be united. The thought of mark was good enough to be executed and he did that too. Facebook founder Mark was not a successful person until his studies and nobody known him, he was a shy boy and people beaten him and used to make fun of him because of his low marks and not being social. But the person on which they laughed became the richest and be laughed at him. 


     When MArk Zuckerberg was in his college, he got the idea of creating a website where people can share thoughts and he united. So he created such website he wished to create a website before like hot or not where people can see weather their photos are hot or not, so he got criticised by people saying that it was not good and created a website face app were the photos and bio details were done and after that he got the idea of Facebook from his college student database the Facebook and he created a website called the Facebook and he had good computing skills and after that the whole college database was uploaded on the website and people got to know about the great website and when people in the college saw their data on public they got angry and wanted to know about the creator, but the Facebook idea went viral and then nearly college and universities got to know abput the website and it become very famous in America, after that mark did his ideas to a greater extent and became dropout from the collage to improve his Website and did many changes to the Website, he worked day and night in the Website and changed the name from the facebook to facebook and became a great successful person.  Today the facebook contains database of nearly 300 billion users worldwide and it was all due to the hardwork and patience of mark zuckerberg.  Mark zuckerberg today earns money in billions and at one day he was struggling to pay the college fees.  The hardwork of facebook is the thing that made him very successful and reach at the top.  Today facebook has earning nearly billions by its advertisement and is helping many people giving jobs, making friends and finding like minded people.  Facebook says that even if get a chance to add dislike button in facebook i would not do it because it will hurt someone and it may hurt mee too.  Mark Zuckerberg's hardwork has only made facebook successful and becoming listed in the top u tech companies and top u information technology and richest top u company in the world, located in Washington, facebook app globally connects millions and billions of people around the world and today facebook has got many of the companies under its list like instagram, whatsapp etc and each and every database is listed on their servers.  They know what you like, what you dislike and focusses on artificial intelligence to connect people in their similiar interest and it is estimated that people today spend 10 hours on facebook and on other social media like Instagram, Whatsapp, Twitter, Telegram, Uidmate, like app and so on and on and on.

Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad


     The income sources of facebook are vast that include the other social media revenue like Whatsapp and Instagram and Database sharing to the advertisement companies to the like minded people and advertising is the main sources of the company.  The company also included in many of the assets like cloud computing, artificial intelligence system, messenger chats and so on are the revenue sources of facebook making the company a booming source of income in the world of social media where 1 billion photos, 1 billion chats and 1 billion videos and posts, feeling are shared each and every second making it one of the cycle of life today where people are busy making friends and useless things around the world, but some people also do social media marketing as a marketing source for a company, media etc. as it is used by many people and as it is cheaper to advertise in the facebook many people prefer facebook and twitter as the source for sharing their media and marketing nowadays where it is used as a marketing 100%  The facebook is one of largest social media agencies in the world and considered as one of the biggest company in the field of information technology.  The facebook uses a variety of codes and techniques to prevent the data breath by the hackers and making it difficult to crack that but it is also hacked by a bug and more than 300 million users database privacy photos are usage was leaked and all the details to be not filled by the user because facebook already contains all your database in the server.


     The most of the facebook data was accepted to be safe but wikileaks and other critics don't accept that most of the users database has been publicity leaked with passwords making it very unsafe to be used and data potential was unknowingly hacked by many hackers and more than 100 million databases were to be laked reported by cambridge analytica making it an critical app and Website.  But however facebook says that it will solve all the bugs and will fix it.  The most of a analytical usage is very valuable but it is not the fault of facebook because most of the people share their information and passwords that would be easily attacked by the user and all the details and sensitive details too can be attacked by the hacker.

Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad


     The people who use facebook have reported it as an secure and as their day job.  Facebook maintaines privacy but sells all your details to earn profit.  But people say that the company is doing the best in maintaining the details safe and the hackers are been eliminated, to say that is any fact that hackers will be  eliminated they will make the security system break and they are capable of that but nobody knows that everyone thinks that their data database and all details are kept safe but who knows they are unsecure.  One of the best thing is that one cannot defy the adds and if facebook is a social media for all then it is a victim for the hackers and be safe from them because all the details used by them are been attacked and infected, the passwords details, cards etc must not be shared on anything, not on anything because access defics and being a hacker, i can say that you must be safe on the world of social media guys because a hacker can hack anything, yeach anything, the only thing is that no body knows how to do that without proper knowledge and without proper knowledge, nothing must be done because, the secrets and security are been disposed and security systems like metasp bit are been updated daily by the attackers wih which they can crack.

Facebook Investor Relations is Good or Bad


     The use of social media should be done only for good and a specific purpose, not for anything that has been disclosed by the media be safe in the social world and don't spend time uselessly on the media rather do something that pay you for or improve your skills and knowledge, time is changing everyday and if you are not changing with the time then it is your fault not others one so be careful while doing silly things, nothing can be done if the bullet went away from gun, so plan prepare and execute will be the life most changing strategy that will help you in your entire life in your entire field so be doing something that will change you and your country's economy.

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