Mergin of the Product of the Procter and Gamble Company P&G Gillette

Mergin of the Product of the Procter and Gamble Company P&G Gillette

     Procter and Gamble is a pharmaceutical based company that has revenue in billions and the pharma based industry is a growing industry with growth of the growth of the diseases. The diseases are increasing at a rapid rate and due to that the treatment of the disease is also a big question to the development of the industry and this company is also increasing due the forever growth of the value of the industry  growth leading to the development of the industralization and the stock growth is rapidly increasing at a fire rate and sky rocketing.

Mergin of the Product of the Procter and Gamble Company P&G Gillette

Growth of the Industry:

     The growth of the industry has increased at the rate of 2.7% for the development and the value is increasing in the demand of the industry the more of the value development and the growth in the revent day value of the growth is also increasing with the stock dividing and market cop value is also in trend the growth of the industry has the value of the media influences and more of the value is the increase in the demand and supply of the treatment of the diseases and due to that the increase in the availability of it has led to the expansion of the industry which facts are easy transaction rate at an rapid growth of the value of the market gap and the value of the demand stock exchange and the most demanding of the increasing of the increase in the increase in the decrease of the value of the value increment due to that the value of the supply of the pharma industry is also increasing in the availability of the trade stock exchange and value other product also increase due to the application of the products value of the gap in the stock that will lead to the application of the value increase leading to the value of trade.

Mergin of the Product of the Procter and Gamble Company P&G Gillette

Strategy of the Company:

     The strategy of the company is also very good that has the leading innovation of products related  disease and the value increases up on stumble and due to that the price will also increases. The company also announces several process for several disease leading to the value increase of the demand and supply of the cap market in the drive of in consumer then the consumer will buy the products based on its quality and not the price.

Mergin of the Product of the Procter and Gamble Company P&G Gillette

Customer Satisfication:

     The consumer satisification is very necessary in maintaining the good relationship between the products leading to the innovation of the products will lead to the satisfication from it. Now a days according to the company many diseases are prone to us relating to the value of the relation to the world and the world is relating a relation from it and the need and the value to cure these diseases is very necessary in maintaining the value between  the good dead relating to the relation of the good satisfication to the company and the betterment of the products. The more better the products is, the more the people will buy and the value will increase automatically and the value of the company will increase and the consumer relation  will also be able to be done in a value of goods deal that will solve all the problems of the customer the more the diseases are cured the more the people will able to get a view of it and the most satisfied or the experienced users will spread the value of it without expecting nothing and its value will be increased automatically without any use of advertisment and the more the good it is it be used by every one and anyone.

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