ponniyin selvan

     Ponniyin Selvan is a story about the Chola Kingdom in this story,  the Chola Kings are back to the throne and the kingdom is back in their hands, it the story 5000 years ago, they came back to the throne due to Vijayalar Chola in nineth century A.D so the Chola Kingdom was a very big kingdom and after Vijayalar Chola the throne was in the hands of Aditya Chola, the son of Vijayalar Chola and the second son was Aditya Chola , the Rajaraja Chola had two sons Rajendra and Kundavai, the Rajendra Chola had four sons namely Rajadhiraja one and Rajendra deva two and Vira Rajendra.  Vira Rajendra had Adhi Rajendra as the son and Ammanga Devi Rajadityar didn’t like to have the throne and first Parantaka Chola wished to have the throne Rajadityar said he like to have the devotion towards lord Shiva , Kandaraditya had no chance other than having the throne but he ruled only for six years Kandaradityar had a son named Hanurantaka Chola and he died after that and Hanurantaka Chola cannot become a king because he was only one year old and since Arinjaya Chola took the throne and after one year Arinjaya Chola died and the age of Hanurantaka Chola was two years having no chance Arinjaya Cholas son Sundara Chola took the throne and since the Chola kingdom was weak any kingdom can attack Cholas and take the throne but Sundara chola was brave and he saved the Chola kingdom succesfully from the enemies and Sundara Chola had three children the first was Aditya Karigalan second was Kundavai and third was Arul Mozhi Varman Arul Mozhi Varman was Ponniyin  Selavan or Raja Raja Chola let us go two thousand years ago when Aditya and Ponniyin was young.

      Aditya was in Kanchi and Arul was in a war in Ilangai. Sundara Chola was in his kingdom and Kundavai was also there, Vanarolan Vandiya Thevan in Veeranarayan river was travelling in a horse near the river near the river there was seventy four sides and he was counting the sides and people were playing nearby the sides and sleeping and a ship was approaching nearby and in the ship Pananmani flag was hoisted, he asked a person who was approaching and he said that in the ship it must be Palvetru  people and he was obsessed and he was happy at the same time because if it was Palvetru people then they were useful to the Chola kingdom because they can say the taxes rules and the things necessary for the Chola kingdom, and they are of next power to the king,  Sundara Chola was tied in his kingdom and the two persons were first Palvetrayar and second Palvetrayar and he wished to see them both because they both were brave persons and he declined to meet them because the task of him was not this so what was his task is in Kanchi.

     Ponnyin Selvan had two raft and he said that give on to Sundara and second to Kandavai but he had the doubt that if the raft was going to the king or not so he want to have a confidential person so he took Ponniyin Selvan as the person and you must not involve in all the  tragedies and mostly the Palvetras must not know the fact, after going to the kingdom he was seeing mobs and the people were gathered abnormally and three people were fighting for the  reason that who was powerful, Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu and the person whom were they fighting with was Alwar Kadiyan Nambi and Alwar was a devotee of Lord Shiva and he said that only Shiva was powerful and he threw sand in the person opposing that and was willing to fight with them too and the persons threw sand on Alwar, Kadiyan Nambi and after that fight was over two persons were coming on a horse and after that one elephant was there was a person asking for way and the second elephant behind it was going on a pit and in the pit a Gir came who was beautiful but she went away soon but the person didn’t knew why she went away so frightendly and he came to know that Alwar Kadiyan Nambi was sitting on a tree and he came to know that she saw Alwar and became frightened and some other soldiers stomped the Vandiyar but Vandiyar did not get distracted and he thought that he had to do the work fast and Alwar said that where are you going if you are going to the kingdom keep in mind that take me too and he asked him how he come to know that he was going to the kingdom and he said that in that kingdom an grand festival is being organized and many people and kings are taking part in the festival and that is why he guessed that he is also going to the grand festival and he thought about his duty and said that he won’t be distracted from his duty and  rejected from his proposal and Alwar Kadiyan Nambi said that if you are not willing then it is okay and but do me a favour and give a gift to the girl in the pit but he refused it by saying that i will not do that you are not looking like a good person and you are like a villain and he refused from the proposal  Vandiya Thevan was travelling in the horse to the kingdom without listening to the refusal of the people and when he was going on the way four people chased him and yelled that he is a thief he is a thief and Vandiya Thevan took his sword and started to fight with them and many soldiers joined in the war and Vandiya Thevan was so confused what to do and he yelled that Kandanmaran Kandanmaran your soldiers are fighting with me look at them and while listening that all the soldiers stopped fighting and Kandanmaran the prince arrived and said his soldiers to stop fighting and he said that you might have said me earlier then the problem wouldn’t have been arised and he said that its ok now i will introduce you to my father and he went to the palace and said  that father he is Vandiya Thevan the king of other dynasty and said that he is a warrior and his father said that i am busy today let us meet tomorrow and Vandiya Thevan was very upset and he introduced him to Periya Palvetryan the other king and he said that he is a very big warrior and while listening this the king who was wise said that why can other kingdom have large warriors while our dynasty cannot and listening to this Vandiya Thevan became sad that he was not recogonized here and the prince and took him to the exit and while going on the way many ladies and girls started laughing and Vandiya Thevan asked Kandanmaran that are they laughing and me and Kandanmaran said that no prince it is a short story incident happened in our dynasty actually today Periya Palvetrayan married a girl of teenage only 16 years and he was 55 not only that he said that she was adorable too and looked beautiful and the girl ran away and he said oh i saw the girl on my way she was too afraid looks like she was from Kashmir and Periya Palvetryan was sad and Kandanmaran said that it is good that you haven’t described the incident to Periya Palvetrayan otherwise he would have killed you and there was a large sound on the background and the price asked that what was going on and he replied that a play is going on so let us go and when they went the actor in the play said that i want the blood of a great king and while listening this everyone became shocked in the kingdom and he said the prince that you may sleep here i will be there in an  few hours and i shall also sleep with you because you travelled a long journey and while sleeping the prince saw the head of Alwar Kadiyan Nambi, the Shiva devotee and he thought that what was this fellow doing here and thought that it might be a plan to conceive me and he heard the sound of people discussing about the beautiful girl and saw Alwar Kadiyan Nambi discussing there and he thought that this fellow came here to chase the girl and he might not be quiet and thought if we jump from the wall he would run away and no one would listen to the leakage of Alwar's plan and the Periya Palvetrayan king would also deceive me and decided to sleep again and he listened a person telling his name and the conversation is between the Periya Palvetrayan king and Kandanmaran and the king said the Kandanmaran that i have the fear that the prince won’t listen to us and he said that he won’t listen to us because he is sleeping and even if he does that we won’t have any problem and begin the conversation that today if even we win in the war for the Chola kingdom we are not recogonized because of the Aditya Karigalan and his teams and asked the mobs that who was present in the age of second Parantaka  Cholas and many old people raise their hands that they were present and he said that in the second Parantaka Chola age the kings started making their young sons as the prince and their sons had the throne and many were not recogonized and Aditya Karigalan became the prince earlier and no one suggested others but they asked  Kandavai and they respanded why in the Chola kingdom ladies are asked for their point of view and by this way we can see that we are not recogonized and the Sundara Chola became old now and is not aware of taking any decisions and Paramaditya king and he started marrying teenage girls and when the fight was going they started making rules for the war that when we are going to the war the war must between the king and the king and not the people and the king and when we go to the war the enemity must be between the both kings and the enemy kingdom must give the food to the soldiers of the enemy kingdom and due to that most of the resources are lost and that is why we have to pay more taxes and this rule is bad because when we give food to the enemy kingdom it is like we are their slaves and we surrendered to them and pay for their duty and it is like a stupidity and when saying this many people opposed the speech of his and said that if you can find fault in others we can too and said that why you married a teenage girl in this age and why are you bringing ladies in the kingdom matter and it is like you are a slave to them and take all decision on their view and not only that many opposed that the king is a ladies dog and does all work for them but the king said that it is not true and i will say the reason after wards and he says that we must make a person king who looks for us and takes good decision for our welfare and many people said that ,yes Aditya Kariganlan is present but he says that no we must make Madurantraka Chola as the king and many people are shocked and said that no he decided to be a devotee of lord Shivan and he won’t accept the proposal and why only he? and he said that he is a senior than Aditya and can take better decisions and a great warrior with aggression and many people said that he is a devotee and the king said no he has taken the classes of war and he is a good king to our kingdom and technically has more experiences and people said that will he accept the proposal and the king replied that you all don’t worry it is my problem and i will advice him and i all need is your support and all accepted and the king called Madurantaka and he arrived in his horse with a warrior's costume and all were shocked and Vandiya Thevan slept back to his place thinking what will happen to the kingdom if Madurantaka becomes the king and thinks of his duty of returning the boats to the kingdom and we will see next what will Vandiya Thevan do.

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